Brendon and Sarah Joy Hollingsworth

Brendon and Sarah Joy Hollingsworth
The two shall become ONE! The Beauty of marriage!

Bundle of JOY

Bundle of JOY
Our Family Grows! We thank the Lord for the blessing of the little one He has given us!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Lircay, Peru

I have so much to tell you all and catch you up on! God is so good and I feel like all I can do is testify to His love! I wanted to fill you in on Peru. We flew into Lima and then took a double decker bus 20 hours in the Andes Mountain crossing over 16,000 feet. It was breathtaking! The Andes mountains can not be placed into words. They are truly majestic. After 20 hours on a bus we arrived in Lircay and set up a dental clinic in a church. Lircay one of the poorest cities in all of Peru and we had men, women, and children walking over 3 hours one way to get their teeth pulled out. I triaged and discharged all the patients that came into our clinic! It was so much fun for me and the Lord confirmed in my heart that sharing God's love through helping people with their medical needs is where I find such JOY! I triaged dental absesses, rotten and decaying teeth, mouths who smelt so foul it was hard for me to keep a straight face while talking to them. Women who were 24 years old asking me if they could have their 4 front teeth which were already decayed pulled out. Some women when I was triaging and asking them how old they are would just look at me and laugh not knowing their age and thinking it funny that I even would care to ask. These men, women, and children have never been to a doctor, they take no medications (so a medication list is obsolete;). Living at 14,000 feet in the Andes Mountains the people who came into our clinic had low blood pressures (systolic in the low 100's), heart rate in the 50's and complained of constant chest pain, headaches, and stomach pain. After seeing the way they live I have a pretty good idea why they all complain of the same symptoms. They are so dehydrated from limited available beverages due to inability to consume the water and expense of the soda and other drinks. Even thought they have great heart rates and blood pressures seeing their diets which are extremely hight in oil, fat, and salt, I would bet there is quit a bit of plaque built up in their arteries. The people of Peru are short and barrel chested and after living in Lircay and trying to walk even short distances at that high of elevation you see how their lungs have fully adapted to allow them not become winded after walking to and fro.

It was as low as 30 degrees at night and we slept under huge, thick, llama blankets. Music was a major part of their culture and people where such bright and beautiful colors! Medicine was practiced much different than I am used to. Frog juice was drank daily by everyone to prevent illness. Because warm packs were hard to come by due to the cold temperature of everything, warm packs were created by peeing on a rag and then placing it on the sore muscle or injury.

I saw a man poop right in the middle of the Street. Women where huge bell skirts that are about calf length and they will just squat in the middle of the street under their skirt and just start peeing. It is totally normal. You will be driving forever and then all of a sudden you will see a man with his herd of llamas and sheep. We ate Papa Fritas (french fries) at each meal as well as a lot of white rice and eggs! Interesting food that was for sure.

I loved Peru and it was so hard to leave. When I discharged patients I was able to give them a Bible in Spanish and one women started weeping in joy when I handed it to her and it made me think about how I look at the Word of God. I want to treasure my scripture like that women. A Vacation Bible School was also run by some of the people on our team who went to Lircay and they had over 100 kids at each VBS and they had two sessions a day. It was awesome to see these kids learning about God's Love for them!

I loved Peru! The Andes reminded me of Alaska and the people were so beautiful! I would love to go back some day if the Lord opens that door!


Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah! So wonderful to have an update. Your description of Peru brought my right back there... even with the poverty it is one of my favorite places I have been in the world. They have an indelible spirit. Much love and joy to you!
Sarah F

laura said...

It is so inspirational to read about your travels. I am jealous.
Have you been drinking the frog juice?
I think you are back in Boston now. Call me if you have time to meet up. Charlie and Gerhardt would love it.
Laura H.